Messed Up!

I'm feeling all messed up
emotions are all over the place
A minute ago I was laughing aloud
And here I'm now shedding tears
Oh, I'm so messed up right now!
These hormones are running wild
playing games with feelings of mine
A smile here, a tear there
a riot of emotions all over the place
Oh, I'm a messed up nut-case!
Don't yell at me, I might cry
Agree with me all the time
Coz that's really what I want
or simply be ready to face the wrath
Oh, I'm so messed up right now!
I'd give u a prize, a big one at that
just for putting up with me
and hearing me out at times like these
You will get used to this,
Coz I ain't gonna change,
I will remain a messed up
nut-case all my life!
- 8th Oct 10
beautiful as ever.. good one