Of future, fortune tellers & positivity

Everyone wishes to know what is in store for them, what their future holds for them. Does everyone seek out for this? Will a person who is happy and content visit a fortune teller or an astrologer? I think not.
Only those who are unhappy, who seek out for something, who are at crossroads or facing uncertainty will want to know the answers. This is the time a person will want to have divine intervention in their lives and be content. Such people are the ones who are going through a low phase in their lives and actually need a little dose of positivity and support. The problems and adversities make them so cynical that they fail to see the good things in life. Their life becomes like race-horses with blinders. They cannot see anything other than the problems in their life. The blinders on horses are meant to keep them focussed on the race, but in this case, the blinders keep away the positivity and concentrate on the negative aspects of the life. There arent people who can be labelled as falling in this category, every type of person goes through this phase in life and needs support to get back on track. Some need external support and some can draw from their inner strength.
Why I chose to write on this topic? Mixed reasons actually. My mother was telling me this - a happy & content person wouldnt be dying to know his future; i read a sign board yesterday that said that their consultancy would refund the money if their customers werent satisfied with the results (this was an astrologer / gemologist consultancy) - i was shocked to read it; and the last reason being that today I wanted to know something about my future.
I thought I am at a happy & content phase in life, then why am I seeking out for this. Why am I making myself miserable thinking about certain things, things beyond my control. I think some humans have a tendency to ponder upon the bad things, to draw upon themselves all the negativity especially when things are going good. I said some humans, because I dont know whether all people are like this. I am like this and I dont like it. Though I realise that the re-occurrence of this tendency has reduced largely. Maybe because I found a solution to this. I realise and understand when I start acting like this, i find out the reason for feeling low and then ask myself, "Whether the issue bothering me is important enough to spend so much time mulling over it?" When you answer sincerely and genuinely you will always get your solution. And if you cant answer truthfully to yourself, then who? If one cannot be honest with oneself, then there is no point in being honest to anyone else.
So all the astrologers, fortune tellers luring the world I dont need your help for now. I am strong enough to face my future with all the suprises and uncertainities in it. And I shall do so with a smile on my face :)
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