Self Belief

How does one handle something - anything which they experience for the first time? Something like an unexpected windfall of money, losing a loved one, being fired etc. Experiences - good or bad - which happen for the first time in our lives, bring in a lot of emotions, traits, reactions & behavior out of us. They can take us by surprise because we never know what is inside us. However, when dealing with such things, more often than not, what we do is take advice. Advice from those close to us or even off the internet. We seek 'tips' on what needs to be done or what is the 'right' way of dealing with these things.

Here, what we fail to realise is that there is no fixed protocol on what & how things need to be done. All of us are different and what works for the world may not necessarily work for us. We can refer to these things as guidelines but we don't need to do exactly how & what it states. What happens when the 'advice' doesn't work for you? What if you wish to do exactly the opposite of what is being expected of you? I say, you go ahead & do it anyway. You know yourself the best. No one but you can decide what works well for you.

In the end what matters is how you have come out of the 'experience'. The person you become, the lessons you learn, the self discovery that happens. Seek guidance, take advice but most importantly trust yourself, have faith!

- 1 Sep 2011


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