In the Womb

On this Mother's Day, a post not dedicated to my mother but about becoming a mother. Pregnancy is an amazing and magical experience. Nature has this process designed to perfection. Science has now helped us understand every aspect of it and to even see the unborn!

During my pregnancy days, I read about it and had an app which showed how much the fetus weighed every week. The length was compared to that of a fruit or vegetable. Also the major developments for that week were highlighted. It was fun and interesting.

While reading some post on Facebook, I came across the name of a documentary, which seemed interesting. I watched it only because it was National Geographic one.
'In the Womb' is a documentary released in 2005! It is available in a 10 part series on YouTube. Watching the baby grow, the effects it had on the mother and how it relates to the mother is amazing.

Feeling the baby move is one of the most magical moments ever to experience. I am sure there are women who would want to get pregnant just to have that feeling! I am one of them. Although it kicking can get painful at times, it is something you miss the most once the baby is out.

I ended up crying when the baby was born. I re-lived the moment when my baby was born. Do watch the documentary, even if you are not a mother, watch it for the miracle that it is.

Happy Mother's Day! 


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