Akanksha_Come Alive 2011

It not everyday that you get to do something which truly touches your heart and soul. Something which gives you such immense satisfaction that it is hard to put it in words. I had one such experience last Sunday at the Akanksha - Come Alive event. You can read more about the event here.
I was part of the Bachha Party Group, where we went to the Pediatric Dept of Wadia Hospital, Parel. Some of the kids took a little time to come out of there comfort zone and talk and play with complete strangers, but it was fun later on.
We played with the elder lot in the corridors, got them colouring books, jigsaw puzzles and soft toys to play with. It was good to even interact with the parents and share a little of their problem.
I cannot describe how hard it is to see a 3 month old child recovering from Kidney surgery. Most of the kids are unaware of the severity of the ailment they are suffering from and rejoice in the smiles brought by these strangers. Our problems, our stress about which we are constantly cribbing seem so insignificant compared to what they are going through at this tender age.
We met kids with Blood Cancer, Burns, Kidney Ailments, Fractures but one thing was common in all of them. Smile. It is such a small thing, but it has a deep impact. It breaks through any hesitation and simply bonds.
Helping us with this event was an Akanksha Alumni - Sumeet Gade who is one of the founder members of Pragati.
Such good work these guys are doing, I instantly wanted to do this more often. Atleast once every month. I dont think there is anyone who is so busy that he cant spare 3 hours in a month to visit such a place and see a face light up with joy!
Do it once...am sure you will Come Alive with joy!
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