Selfless Love - means to be left heart broken?

What is selfless love? How do you describe it? A situation where you just love and don't expect absolutely anything in return. Can such selfless love exist in reality? Don't you ever expect even 0.1% in return when you give so much? I think everyone does, maybe some just don't acknowledge it and if someone actually doesn't expect, then they definitely can be called Saints! It can be safe to assume that I am not talking bout love between a mother & child - that IS selfless!
A innocent statement by someone triggered this cascade of emotions in me and I have started writing this. I am the sort of person who always needs someone to shower love, affection, care & attention on. This need not be romantic love. In this situation I cannot expect these emotions to be reciprocated and I don't. But its disheartening when these same people portray that you are equally important to them, when infact they are lying.
The quote on FB or sms - "Dont make someone a priority in your life, when you are just an option in theirs" - is so true. I should start following this as a mantra for my life. Women are emotional fools and men are very clever because they keep all emotions at bay. They care, but not as much. They will seek you only when they need you - for whatever reasons. But beware, if you point this out to them, they are arrogant enough to outright deny it and egoistic enough to say that you have unreasonable behaviour.
After encountering many such people in life, it is easy to feel broken, feel used and played with. It is ridiculously easy to exploit the emotions of the one who loves you. Is it fair that you never walk that extra mile for the one who loves you, but you do it in a jiffy for someone else. Is it fair that you turn down every request make by saying that you'll do it only when you wish to, but do the same thing when someone else asks you to.

Is it fair on the one who has cared for you. Is it fair to defend a behaviour by calling it just & the other person unreasonable & demanding. Wouldnt this actually leave the person shattered, destroyed, broken & scared to love or care again. Maybe all this does happen, but women being emotional fools, tread on this path again. Maybe in search of someone who will heal them and complete them.

Till then we can only wish that the ones who have hurt us realise what they have lost and have courage to deal with it!
- Mayura (9/10/11)
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