....and its March!!

I think I am going to end up making a calendar of my blog. One post every month, with an exclamation about how fast the days are going. I have been busy and I am loving it! Just like the McDonald's advt tag line :D
I think I mentioned that I got a new job ( I seriously need to read my own posts) this weekend I complete a month. Its so amazing how fast days seem to fly by when everything is going blissful. I had one week of induction and then joined the floor the next week. I was a little worried about fitting into a corporate and things like that, but my team is so wonderful. Absolutely no problems in fitting in. We all even went for a picnic that very weekend, and what fun!!
Everyone is young, the wavelengths match, there is no rivalry , no bitchiness. Its like being back to college. Haven't started actual work as of today, but I think tomorrow is gonna be the D-Day. Am I looking forward to it?? You bet I am :)
So besides work do I have anything to write about?? Well, i went shopping!!!!! Thats the BEST thing in a girl's life..isn't it?? I bought 5 formal shirts, 2 trousers, 2 jeans, 1 capris n 1 pair of ballerina shoes!!!!!!!! Yippee!!! Btw, I got my loads of clothes for my brother too, so I ain't feeling guilty also.
I had been tagged, I could never complete it, lets hope I manage to do something about it. My best friend had come to my place and I had shown her some stuff which I had written ages ago ( I find it silly) and she suggested I put it on my blog! Considering that I find it silly I will really have to overcome that feeling to post it here, but lets see. Since I don't post anything too often, those ready-made poems might come handy.
Till April then ( still hoping that I post sooner) tkcr & keep smiling :)

Mar 08


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