Thin aint Beautiful

had planned to post on this topic, but i dint find the link to the pics that i required. Finally, thanks to Stumbleupon, i got them.

Thin ain't beautiful, atleast not as thin as these models. Having studied nutrition, I feel even more sad to see such stuff. Anorexia / Bulimia (eating disorders) are so prevalent amongst models, that you tend to wonder whether actually it is visually appealing to see clothes being displayed by stick thin models. A certain model died on the ramp! How pathetic can this system get? Fashion demands thin models, WHY?? Nobody is this thin. If they had some more sense they would have made them for normal individuals, not people who look like they would collapse any moment.
I mean what is the fun, to watch a corpse-like person walking down the ramp?

While reading about these incidents, i came across some site mentioning that super skinny models were going to be banned. I think only a strong action like a complete ban would give some sense to these people. I dont blame the models, as much as the designers, who would make demands for such models.

I am glad atleast of the fact that this ain't the norm in India, and i sincerely hope it never is.

31 Oct 07


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