And its raining!!

4th June 08, 8 pm. I am back form office and was goin thro Mid-Day. Few parts of the city had received showers. The MET dept had commented that "Monsoon has reached Karwar in Karnataka, and it will take around 7 days to reach Mumbai" Now, by experience we know that we cant rely on the forecasts given by MET.
5th June 08. I am in office. No windows. I could hear the thundering and could only wonder what the situation was like..outside! By 7pm it was pouring!! I was wet by the time I reached the bus. What happened when I had to get into the train is another story. Just the 1st rains and the trains were running late.
Rains are beautiful...but only when I am at home, sitting in the window. Or maybe out for a picnic. The best time for treks is definitely during rains.Absolutely hate it when I am leaving for work and it starts pouring.
But the air is fresh and clean. And its such a relief from that horrible summer heat. I am complaining too much about the seasons now, thou I would never do it for winters..i love winters :)
This was meant to be a post for welcoming of rains this year, but has now turned into a composition like the one we used to write in school!
I can go on about the fav food to eat during rains (Soups), fav baarish wala song (Behta hai mann kahi - Chameli) , fav spot to goto (anywhere with frnds), the nightmare I faced durin 26/7 (aarrghh) etc...but this is enough for now I guess..
Happy Monsoon everyone :D
Jun 08

4th June 08, 8 pm. I am back form office and was goin thro Mid-Day. Few parts of the city had received showers. The MET dept had commented that "Monsoon has reached Karwar in Karnataka, and it will take around 7 days to reach Mumbai" Now, by experience we know that we cant rely on the forecasts given by MET.
5th June 08. I am in office. No windows. I could hear the thundering and could only wonder what the situation was like..outside! By 7pm it was pouring!! I was wet by the time I reached the bus. What happened when I had to get into the train is another story. Just the 1st rains and the trains were running late.
Rains are beautiful...but only when I am at home, sitting in the window. Or maybe out for a picnic. The best time for treks is definitely during rains.Absolutely hate it when I am leaving for work and it starts pouring.
But the air is fresh and clean. And its such a relief from that horrible summer heat. I am complaining too much about the seasons now, thou I would never do it for winters..i love winters :)
This was meant to be a post for welcoming of rains this year, but has now turned into a composition like the one we used to write in school!
I can go on about the fav food to eat during rains (Soups), fav baarish wala song (Behta hai mann kahi - Chameli) , fav spot to goto (anywhere with frnds), the nightmare I faced durin 26/7 (aarrghh) etc...but this is enough for now I guess..
Happy Monsoon everyone :D
Jun 08
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