Colourful Skins!

So I must have written about 4-5 blog posts in the last couple of weeks - in my mind! I just spend time browsing on FB groups and do nothing useful :-(

Anyhow coming up the blog post for today - Skin Color! Of humans I.e.

My favourite colour is Purple and I just want everything purple, so my colleagues were like thank God you didn't ask for a Purple Baby!! :P

That just got me thinking, what if it was possible! What if from the earliest time know, if humans could choose their skin colour. You know if there was a shade card and you could just choose..There would have been no discrimination based on colour...Racism would have been toned down?

Of course there would have been other things..But what a fun thing to imagine! Just letting my imagination run, whether you could change colour at will or stay with one colour all your life...

No fairness creams! And like Black is such an important colour in dressing, it probably would have been as skin colour as well! Wow! Imagine!

Am just loving this thought...And I would be Purple, Royal Purple! What would be your colour? ;-)


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