
What is Parenting? Who does it include? It definitely has to do with parents, not just either of the parents. It's not mothering or fathering, it's parenting!

In the previous generation it was the mother who did most of it, fathers were not very available or hands on then. This generation, my generation it is definitely getting better. Father is involved, is present and is hands on as well. But it's mostly in the urban population with exceptions in the rural set up as well. Also, a lot of it is the mind-set, that parenting is a mother's job.

But coming back to here, not every father is doing his bit of parenting. It's still almost entirely the mother's job. Now if the mother is working, isn't it a bit too much to expect, too much to have on her plate. Wouldn't it leave her exhausted with no personal life?

Of course there is the issue of the mother not trusting the father enough to take care of the child and hence ends up doing it herself. It is important to have open discussion, share concerns and split the tasks as feasible. Not everyone is fortunate to have help, either hired or family.

In the society we live in, there is a social norm which has been set. Stay at home fathers is unheard of and even looked down upon, especially towards the woman in such a situation. When a father is looking after his child he is parenting, playing the role he is supposed to, he is NOT babysitting!

Unfortunately a woman in such a situation is asked, why she is making her husband look after the child?! What logic does this have? She is time and again told how lucky and fortunate she is to have such a husband. Well, she must be all of these but why does it have to be rubbed in. Will fathers taking care of children ever be considered normal here?

Being parents is not easy. And when you are partners, you should see to it that you split the parenting tasks as well. One cannot end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted leading to frustration and finally a burnout.

If bringing a life in this world takes 2 people, then parenting should also be the task for 2, not 1!


  1. I completely agree..Parenting is a journey where both parents mom n dad have a play parts.... Otherwise the journey is incomplete for child as well as for the parent

  2. Completely agree with each word. Love the last line😉


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