Spending time...

I have been without a job from 25th Oct 2013 and spent the initial few days celebrating Diwali with my brother and then getting ready for my wedding! Wedding that was in Goa, followed by Satyanarayan Pooja in Pune and then reception in Mumbai.

Having shifted to Pune from Thane, I started looking for jobs here, but as of now, haven't found anything. I initially watched the entire series of Breaking Bad, which kept me occupied. My hubby suggested I register as a freelance writer and look for some assignments. Being the sweet and dutiful wife that I am, I immediately created a profile and started applying to jobs on the website.

I got some work in the month of May and this has been keeping me quite busy. It doesn't pay much, but well, it does pay something!! The articles have been on topics ranging from health, fitness, nutrition and tourism. This made me realize how I have neglected my blog and I should write something. That's the reason for this post.

Something else has been keeping me busy, that being arts & crafts. I always used to be artistically inclined, but never pursued any one form passionately. Even now, I have material for so many varieties of crafts. Going to a stationary store was like being Alice in Wonderland for me. Decoupaging, paper quilling, newspaper weaving have been something which interested me the most. I will probably have a new blog for my Arts & Crafts.

Till then I will think of what to write on this blog.


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