End of Yet Another Year

Another year comes to an end. Where did the entire year go??Feels like just yesterday dat i was celebrating the New Year with family. This time thou i will be alone...family is going on a trip. I am planning a party with my friends, hoping that they get to come. I should have been with my family, but i have classes that i cant miss!! Things we do to shape our careers.

So many things have changed this year...
--I completed 1 year at my 1st job. It has been a very nice year...thou pretty boring at times.Was a learning process. Soon after completing the 1st year, I am quitting my job too! Less frustration now :-)
I am really looking forward to new things, newer ventures in the new year.

--I also let go of someone. Someone I was in love with for the longest period of my life. Someone I'm not in love with anymore. Am not bitter or angry. I just wish the best for him in everything he does. I will always be his friend, but I don't wish to be with him forever. Moving on - such an amazing feel. I feel free :-)

--I am more at peace with myself. I have matured, I think, in some ways. I still can't accept arranged marriage concept. But since I am still single, I may have to opt for one. I am ready for that hoping it turns out to be wonderful.

I think it has been quite a good year and I intend to let it go. No turning back. Looking forward to the New Year and everything that it has in store for me.

Wish you all a wonderful New Year!!

20 Dec 07


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